Why the Best Way to Handle Medical Bills After a Car Accident in California is to Seek out the Advice and Counsel of a Knowledgeable and Experienced Car Accident Attorney
As you can see, there are many issues that must be analyzed to determine the best way to handle medical bills after a motor vehicle collision in California. A knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney can contact emergency medical providers and make sure that proper billing practices were followed. A good car accident lawyer can let bill collectors know that another party is legally at fault and request that collection efforts be suspended pending resolution by way of settlement or judgment.
An experienced auto accident attorney can help an injured victim find medical care on a lien if they cannot afford to pay for the cost of treatment upfront. A quality accident and injury lawyer can analyze the legal issues of fault and arguments of comparative fault and what the “reasonable value” of the medical bills should be under California law. Attorneys do charge fees for their services but, can work with no upfront fees or costs on a contingency arrangement, can maximize the value of the claim at many times what you would be offered on your own and can negotiate reductions in medical liens on your behalf to net your more money.
In the end, this results in a much higher overall settlement figure and a legal advocate to ensure that the injured party is not left “holding the bag” for medical bills after a car accident. For a free consultation on any car accident claim in California, call the toll free injury helpline at 866-966-5240.